Health, Access, and Safety

As a Maine-trained family physician providing primary care to people from all walks of life, I routinely see how access to care matters. The evidence is clear that universal access is a hallmark of high-functioning and lower-cost health systems, which is why I have fought to expand primary care, increase coverage, and preserve protections for pre-existing conditions. Because health and other public issues greatly influence each other, carrying out the Hippocratic Oath for me includes taking a stand on issues that connect to health and wellness. For example, I have forcefully and effectively advocated for Mainecare expansion, fair access to reproductive healthcare, mental health and substance treatment programs, public health efforts, and common sense gun safety.
Public Education and Libraries
I have volunteered and advocated since 2010 in and for public libraries and schools, at the municipal, state, and national levels. Presently, I serve on the Board of the Portland Public Library. I also volunteer regularly in Deering and Portland High Schools providing healthcare, listening to students, and enjoying being part of the school communities. I strongly support spaces and places that bring people together and build community.
Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
We clearly face a climate crisis, and Maine should continue to emerge as a leader in containing and reversing the damage humanity has done. Portland and South Portland launched an impressive joint effort in 2019, called One Climate Future. The aim is to develop a broad plan for buildings and energy use, transportation and land use, waste reduction, and climate resilience. In the first half of 2020, the cities will prioritize next steps and finalize the joint municipal plan. In the Maine House, I would be a strong supporter of these efforts. Being a bike and running commuter since 1997, I see there are tremendous opportunities to build bike- and pedestrian-safe infrastructure and enhance public transit. We also must grow Maine’s renewable power capacity. Protecting our environment for future generations is a moral, ecologic, and economic imperative. The decisions we make today will largely determine the future of our planet.
Economic Vitality and Diversity
Diversity fosters sustainability and resilience. It’s true in economics, just as it is in biology and ecology. Our state’s economic viability in the coming decades will largely depend on our ability to retain and attract individuals and families of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. I have been honored to help new Mainers gain a foothold in our community, and to create education and training opportunities for youth from traditionally marginalized groups. Furthermore, I have been a vocal supporter of equal rights for all Mainers. Financial matters affect us all, and affordable housing and affordable cost-of-living are important features of a community where people can live and work.
Cleaning up politics
As a Certified Clean Elections Candidate in the District 116 race, I encourage everyone to consider making a $5 contribution. These are contributions to the State of Maine through the Ethics and Elections Commission. Your contribution will help me qualify for additional Clean Election Funding in the general election, provide funding for other Clean Election Candidates, and generally help the state’s clean election system. Thank you!