“Dr. Sam Zager of Portland is a Clean Election Democratic primary candidate in Maine House District 41.
Sam is devoted to service and leadership for his community and country. He graduated with distinction from the U.S. Naval Academy, served our nation during Operation Enduring Freedom and became a family doctor and community volunteer.
In Sam’s medical practice and as a volunteer with Deering High students, he is an effective listener in trying to resolve his patients’ health concerns. Sam Zager has the unique background and leadership abilities to face our state’s challenges, including responding to COVID-19.
In my experience, the most successful elected officials are those who listen to the people, demonstrate humility and good judgment and are in politics for the right reason – to serve the public, not themselves. Sam Zager has those qualities, and strong Democratic values of social justice. I urge Democrats in District 41 to vote for Sam Zager on July 14.”
David Brenerman
former Portland mayor, city councilor and Democratic state legislator
South Portland
Brenerman, D. (2020) ‘Letter to the editor: Zager has right values, qualifications for District 41’, Portland Press Herald, 23 June. Available at https://www.pressherald.com/?p=5511134 (Accessed: June 23 2020)