“Dear Sam:
I hope this letter finds you and your family well in this unpredictable and challenging time. Campaigning has changed, for sure! I hope you feel you are able to get your message out.
On behalf of Sierra Club Maine and its Political Team, I want to thank you for stepping up to run for office, and for completing the Sierra Club 2020 Questionnaire. Sierra Club is a leading advocate for environmental protection, for the preservation of public lands, and for a fossil-free energy future. We are committed to finding an equitable, inclusive and just path forward. We highly value the commitment of candidates to our shared goals, and through our endorsement process we seek to encourage and support candidates with these values. Your questionnaire responses and your public statements and actions indicate you are a candidate who deserves our support.
With the advent of Ranked Choice Voting, which will determine the winner of your primary, we have changed our traditional endorsement process. We fully support RCV and have determined that ranking the candidates is the appropriate way to advise our members. In our view, RCV encourages a more nuanced discussion of all issues and ensures that the winner has the support of the majority of the electorate. By our ranking the candidates (as opposed to endorsing one candidate) who share a commitment to our goals, we indicate to our members that, although we may express a preference, all candidates are qualified and are worthy of the voter’s consideration. Additionally, without having to consider an exclusive endorsement, members may consider other issues in addition to environmental issues when considering for whom to vote.
The Sierra Club Maine Political Team has ranked the candidates in your race as follows:
- Samuel A. Zager
- Benjamin K. Grant
- Laurie J. Davis
We are pleased to support your candidacies and will do so by sharing our ranking with our members in your district. We will continue to support the winner of the primary, who will be endorsed in the general election.
We hope your campaign is going well.
For the Political Team,
Claudia A. King
Political Team Chair”